European Funds Practice


“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”. Henry Ford


In addition to the traditional funds that form part of the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, in the forthcoming years Spain is set to receive a total further amount of €140 billion from various European instruments –in particular, from the Next Generation EU recovery plan instrument–, for the purpose of making investments and reforms that enable a two-pronged transition –ecological and digital– of the Spanish economy.

The mobilisation of this enormous volume of financial resources, in addition to entailing a significant management challenge for public authorities and bodies, will constitute an unprecedented opportunity for companies to develop investment projects.

Our experience and knowledge in relation to the organisation and functioning of public authorities, public procurement, subsidies and grants, the environment, competition or regulated sectors, as well as the creation and functioning of business groupings and consortiums for the implementation of projects benefiting from European funds, allows us to support our clients through the entire investment cycle, providing both the necessary legal and financial advice to benefit from grants financed with European funds and the necessary legal and tax assistance to implement the project receiving such grants, including the preparation of supporting evidence to justify the activities carried out within the scope of the project.
